Tuesday, March 27, 2007

You don't get hoaxed!!

Hey..you gotta listen to me now..I getting frustrated and fade up here.Do you know why? Sigh!!
There is a group of prankster conjuring sents "Hoax email" in every seconds and we're helping them by spreading the emails to our knowns unwittingly.Well it's bounce to happen when we fully believed on their amazing stories or messages.So this compel us forward the mails to rest of knowns.Ya la..We're naive sometimes and as a result deceive by these stories or message which is actually just a myth !!! fake !!! rumours!!

So you don't get hoax by these emails.Read,Smile and Delete!! Don't gatal-gatal forward to the friends.If i got this thing from you,i 'll kick your ass then! kekeke


Anonymous said...

kalai,i always got hoax mail frm u.So can i kick u??hahaha

Kalai said...

ok ok..u know i'm innocent what.Senang kena tipu.hehehe